5 Minute Lessons on the Kingdom of God
The Demon Manifested Before Sunday School
Read time: 3 minutes
Audio Lesson
I was living in Tulsa, Oklahoma and attending a Bible Training Center. I had met a single young woman named Candy who had two beautiful young girls. Candy and I had become good friends along with some other Bible students who were also attending the Bible Training Center.

One afternoon, Candy had picked me up and we were driving over to a Bible student's apartment. Suddenly, I looked over at Candy as she was driving and she began to shake violently. I bound the demon in Jesus' name that was manifesting in her. I said, "Candy, can you get to Ronnie's apartment?" "I think so, I have never had anything like this happen to me before."

As soon as we arrived, I told my friend Ronnie, "Candy needs help, she needs deliverance." "Oh sure," he said. Just as we entered the apartment the demon manifested again. This time she shook and began to beat on the furniture and show supernatural strength. Ronnie suddenly became a believer. He couldn't deny the manifestations that this demon was displaying.

Ronnie said, "What shall we do?" I said, "In the Bible there is a gift called the discerning of spirits (1 Corinthians 12:10). Let's ask the Lord to give us this gift so that we can deal with these unclean spirits." By this time Candy was coming and going in and out of her right mind as the demons manifested and then subsided. The demons were giving quite a show. And Candy kept saying, "Nothing like this has ever happened to me before!" Candy had been in a lifestyle of sin, but had recently turned to the Lord (Acts 3:26; 1 Thessalonians 1:9).

As we prayed for discernment, the Lord began giving us the names of the unclean spirits (Mark 5:9; 5:15; Luke 8:30), and we began to command them in Jesus' name to come out of her (Mark 7:26; 16:17; Acts 16:18). As the demons were coming out, Candy was seeing what was happening and with joy was praising and thanking God.

Jesus spent about one-fourth of His ministry doing this kind of thing — expelling evil spirits. Jesus said,
"But if I with the finger of God cast out devils, no doubt the kingdom of God is come upon you." (Luke 11:20)

As Candy and I were returning to her apartment (after her deliverance), she began begging me to stay in the apartment overnight. She said, "Please, I am so scared!" I finally said, "Ok."

She went upstairs to bed with her children and I stayed downstairs and slept on the couch. In the morning (it was Sunday) a church bus came to pick up her girls for Sunday school. She had barely gotten her children on the bus when she, again began manifesting demons. This is when I learned something. On her couch, as I was sitting beside her, I said to the manifesting demons, "Yesterday, I commanded you in Jesus' name to come out of Candy, as far as I am concerned, you are gone!" The demons left. It was over!

The demons wanted me to go by sight (the physical world), I chose to go by faith, and the demons knew they had to go!!!!
"Through faith in the name of Jesus, this man was healed—and you know how crippled he was before. Faith in Jesus' name has healed him before your very eyes." (Acts 3:16 New Living Translation)
  1. Can we as believers cast out demons?
  2. Expelling evil spirits was a sign of Jesus overthrowing Satan's kingdom and establishing God's Kingdom.
    True or False
  3. What did Jesus come to do?
  4. It's our holiness that makes people whole.
    True or False
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There Are Things That We Must Do