5 Minute Lessons on the Kingdom of God
Recovering From a Stroke
A Personal Letter to a Friend
Read time: 6 minutes
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Dear Andrew,

I have been under a heavy spiritual attack since having this stroke. I thought I was compassionate and loving towards all mankind, but since having this stroke I have realized how I have ignored and walked past some of the most hurting people in humanity. I had no idea what a stroke was or what it does to the human body and mind (your brain). Doctors don't explain what they are doing in trying to treat you, nor do they inform you of what has really happened in the human body. It appears that a stroke affects several parts of your person. First of all, it's a brain attack. It's like a circuit board going out in your electric refrigerator. You still have the parts of your body, such as an arm and a leg etc., but it blows out the circuit board in your brain leaving you with a hand, a leg, etc. that are still part of the body, but because of the attack on the brain, the body does not know how to use its own human parts. Usually this affects either the left or the right side of the body. For me it affected the right side of my body. You could draw a plumb-line starting at my forehead, going down my nose and down my body. On the right side of my body, I was left without the ability to walk or use my right arm and hand, with it even affecting other parts such as the eye, the esophagus and basically all of the body on the right side. I had a blood clot on the left side of my brain.

I cried out to God, "I can't walk. I can't fish. I can't drive my boat or ride my motorcycle. What do you want from me?" I had been making some jewelry and selling it in flea markets for fun and a little extra money and now I was not able to do that either.

So I tried to make an angel and put it on a keyring with a cross. At first I couldn't do it. So I tried and I made one and gave it away. So I made another one and gave it away. So I made another one and I gave it away. I continued to do that and then I began to walk again. I used a walker to walk because the brain injury threw my balance off, so I felt like I was drunk all the time. I still have problems with balance, but every day I go out on the streets and in the supermarkets and stores, and witness using these angels I make with the cross of Christ and I give them away free without solicitation. I will take no money. I take nothing for my services. I have only a pure motivation of showing kindness and love to all humanity. I pray daily Matthew 10:19‑20 that is basically saying, take no thought how you shall speak or what you shall speak, for it will be given you in that same moment what you shall speak, for it is not you that is speaking, but the Spirit of your Father that is speaking through you.

In all my years, I have never witnessed to so many people. I have seen the Lord touch so many, in so many ways. They cry, they weep, they break out in joy, they ask me if I'm an angel. And I've crossed the barrier of every denomination you can think of.

The walker that I use when I go out on the streets has been a door opener for me. I can approach anyone, whether they are an old person, or a lady or a man, without projecting any threat to anyone. The people that I used to walk past on scooters in Walmart, using walkers or canes, are the people that I go directly to now. All of this has affected thousands of people in Northwest Arkansas. This work has gone into foreign countries. Each day I make these angels with crosses and each day I spend several hours witnessing to people. Then I stand back and see God move. It has been something that keeps me motivated and going full steam ahead each day. Most people look at me now and use words like "It's a miracle!" "Are you an angel?" "Can I have a selfie with you?"

I met a woman today and she said, "We have been talking about you in our Bible study, the man who gives out the angels with crosses." And then I filled her in a little bit about the testimony of the stroke. She was shocked as most people are. "You look fine. You look like you don't need that walker." I listen to what people perceive, not what I feel or what I'm going through, but what people perceive. And basically many of them are asking me to witness to them. "What's the significance of the angel?" "What is the significance of the cross?" To many people it has a great spiritual significance, to others it's just an angel and a cross on keychain and to others it's just a beautiful piece of jewelry. But I'm after the woman at the well. And I see her so many times that it keeps me motivated and going. Out of my weakness, I see God's strength. It's very humbling.

I stay within a radius of several miles within the city. I don't take long trips on planes or in automobiles, but I do minister each day, almost each and every day. I make these tokens of love to give freely, almost daily and the encounters now have been into the thousands. And I am learning so much about how God looks at people and how He is not looking at them through their denominational persuasions. It has been an interesting journey. So remember me in your prayers as I am seeking His Person on a daily basis to fulfill His plan for me and my future.

Love you brother,

Don Krow
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