Discipleship Evangelism Program
48-Lesson Condensed Version
What is the Discipleship Evangelism Program?

The Discipleship Evangelism Program is a 48-lesson discipleship tool that was developed out of a five-year weekly effort to reach the lost. It has been proven to work and is user-friendly. It supplies the necessary tools for anyone with the desire to disciple another person. It can be effectively used in cell groups, Bible studies, reaching the lost, Sunday school, new believers class, mid-week church services, altar call follow-up, evangelistic crusade follow-up, outreaches in the mission field, prison ministries, Bible schools, and to develop church growth as well as to disciple your neighbors and friends.

There are three levels to this program:

Level 1 is designed to explain the biblical truths of Christ and Him crucified—to bring a person into an understanding of God's great love for them that was displayed at the cross. Level 1 brings a person into repentance, the new birth, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and water baptism. All of this is done without preaching at a person but by asking them questions to bring them to the Bible for the answers. This program is designed to assist people in understanding the Bible for themselves.

Level 2 contains foundational truths of Scripture such as renewing the mind, how to meditate on God's Word, the importance of the local church, the authority of the believer, God's plan for marriage, God's kind of love, and many more.

Level 3 is designed to assist a person in learning to disciple others. It contains a Training Program that will help a person discover the how-tos of discipling others. It may be used for a training class in their local church and in discovering how to reach and disciple the lost. This level is designed to bring the "disciplee" to the place of becoming a "discipler." What has been learned from a hands-on ministry of reaching others will be taught at this level.

It is our desire to supply as many discipling tools as possible to assist one in reaching out and discipling others. In a normal local church, a congregation of 200 may only have five to ten people with teaching gifts in that entire congregation. As a result, five or ten people may reach out to disciple, but the majority of the people become benchwarmers in our local congregations. As a result of this need, we are supplying discipleship tools for various individuals who do not necessarily have teaching gifts. On any mechanical job, to effectively get the job done, you must have a screwdriver, a crescent wrench, a voltage meter, a pair of pliers, and other tools to make sure you are able to accomplish the task. Each part of the discipleship program is designed to be one tool. No one tool is better than the others, so it is our goal to supply as many tools so a majority of the body of Christ can reach out, evangelize, disciple, and teach others.

Permission is granted to duplicate or reproduce for discipleship purposes on the condition that it is distributed free of charge.

What's New?
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Audio Lessons
We recently added audio lessons alongside the written lessons in the Discipleship Evangelism Program. These audio lessons were originally part of the Discipleship Evangelism Program when it was first developed. The written lessons in the program were actually created from these audio teachings. The physical size of the original VHS tapes, DVDs, CDs, audio cassettes, and written material could be cumbersome to carry around, but with the advancement of technology all of this content can now fit in your pocket on your phone making it easy to study and disciple others. These original audio teachings have been digitally remastered to sound the best they ever have and can be played right from your phone to anyone you are discipling.
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Bonus Lessons
These bonus lessons were part of the original Discipleship Evangelism Program and covered how to teach the lessons to others. Later the program was revised and condensed down to a simplified format with easy to use questions and answers. This new version was so easy to use that having lessons on how to teach the lessons was no longer needed and those lessons were replaced with brand new lessons. We have included those original lessons, however, in a bonus lessons section as an additional study aid and example of how to teach the lessons as you disciple others.
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Interactive Q&A
Each lesson includes the audio lesson, the written lesson, and questions to go over with the person you are discipling. These questions have now been broken up into an interactive question and answer section. You can go through the questions one at a time and discuss them before viewing the answer and moving on to the next question.
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Mobile Friendly
Reading text in a PDF on a phone can be difficult and clunky. Until now this was all that was available when trying to view the Discipleship Evangelism program on a mobile device. We have taken all of the information from these static, fixed size PDFs and created fluid, mobile friendly web pages that can be viewed on any phone or tablet just as easily as on a larger screen or the printed page. This will open up whole new possibilities for discipling others on the go, even when you weren't prepared. You have everything you need right in your pocket on your phone in an easy to use and accessible format.
The Lessons
Discipleship Evangelism Original Long Version
This version of the Discipleship Evangelism program predates the condensed version and contains some extra materials. Included are the lesson, outline, teacher's guide, detailed teachers guide, discipleship questions, discipleship answer key, and additional information.
Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3
We want to hear from you!
We would love to hear your feedback on these lessons and how you use them in your own study or in discipling others. If you have any thoughts, stories, or testimonies to share we would love to hear them!