A Simple Explanation of the Gospel from the Old Testament to the New Testament
By Dana Krow
We all have friends and/or family in our life that are unbelievers or who claim to be a Christian but yet there is no evidence of that in their life. I was influenced about a year ago by another follower of Jesus to write this gospel story to help me talk to someone. I created a short outline to help me memorize key points. Then when God opens up an opportunity to share, I am prepared with the help of the Holy Spirit. I hope this will be a helpful tool. Please allow it to be a casual conversation without sounding like a rehearsed presentation. You will find many Scriptures for all the key points in the story that can help when a person asks questions. There is also the full written out presentation as spoken in this audio.
Accompanying Booklet:
A Simple Explanation of the Gospel from the Old Testament to the New Testament
This booklet has been laid out for two-sided printing or copying and makes it easy to print, cut, and share your own booklets!